Norway Visa For Indians Tourist & Workers

Norway calls it the Land of the Midnight Sun because it is Europe's northernmost country. Fjords, mountains, and shorelines are among the country's best-known features. The quality of life in this country is among the greatest in the world. Norway is a popular tourism destination for people from all over the world. Please contact Continental Immigration if you require any Norway tourist visa assistance.


The following is a list of the Norway tourist visa requirements:

  • Having a valid passport that is at least three months older than the visa you are applying for
  • Passports from the past, if you have any
  • Photos of passport-sized dimensions
  • A copy of your duly completed application
  • Accommodations and travel plans for your stay in Norway must be documented.
  • Tour ticket stub as proof of financial capability to cover your trip and stay in the country
  • A minimum 30,000-pound medical insurance policy is required by law.
  • A letter stating the objective of your trip to Norway and the details of your schedule.
  • Evidence that you will have a place to live for the timespan of your journey
  • A six-month bank statement
How may Continental Immigration benefit you?
  • Help you with the paperwork for the Norway visit visa from India you'll need to submit.
  • You'll be advised of the funds you'll need to present.
  • To apply for the tourist visa for Norway from India, fill out the application forms.
  • Make sure your visa application materials are up to date.

For how long is a Norway tourist visa for Indian application processed?

It usually takes about 15 days from the time you submit your visa application for a decision on your application for a Norway visa. However, it could take longer if certain conditions aren't met, such as having all of your documentation in order, the volume of applications, or even national holidays.

Can a Norway Visa be extended?

If you have a good reason, you may be allowed to extend your Norwegian (Schengen) Visa. For example, if you become ill or a natural calamity delays your departure, this could be the case. To request an extension, you must first schedule an appointment with your local police department via the UDI website and then bring the necessary documentation with you to your work:

  • Print and complete the "Application for an extension of a Schengen visa" form on the UDI website.
  • Your government-issued identification card.
  • Evidence that you have the financial means to live in this country.
  • If you want to prolong your trip, show proof of travel insurance that covers the additional time.
  • Proof of your need for a visa extension, if applicable.

How long can I live with a Norway tourist visa?

You can visit Norway for up to 90 days for a total of 180 days if you have a visitor's visa.

When you obtain a visitor visa for Norway, you are free to travel to any Schengen nation.

If you want to keep your Schengen Area visa longer, you'll need a good reason. Visa extensions are given for humanitarian reasons, like staying to continue getting needed medical care, critical personal reasons, like attending the funeral of a family member, or "force majeure," which can be anything from war starting in your home country to bad weather that makes it hard to fly back.

Reservation or plan for trips that go both ways. Dates and flight numbers must be included to show when the person entered and left the Schengen area.

What else do I need to bring documents when traveling with a Schengen visa?

Please keep in mind that a Schengen visa does not magically give entry into the Schengen Area.

At the outer borders, you might be asked to present more papers. Documents may be needed to show why you want to stay and what circumstances are attached to your stay. You may also be required to demonstrate that you have sufficient funds or access to legal funds. The money you bring with you should cover your planned stay and your trip back home or to a third country where you are sure to be let in. A travel insurance policy is a piece of paper that confirms you have health insurance throughout the Schengen zone, with primary coverage of EUR 30,000 for any medical emergency, like illness, injury, or even death.

Proof of how the money will be spent. Evidence that you have reasonable budgets to live in the Schengen area for as long as possible. There are several possibilities here:

  • Letter of support from someone else stating that they will pay for your trip to the Schengen area.
  • A mixture of a bank statement and a letter from someone who will pay for your trip.


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