Hong Kong Quality Migrant Admission Scheme

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Immigrant aspirers to Hong Kong must make themselves aware of the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme which is now governed by Chinese government. The scheme was launched and announced in 2006 and since then there have been numerous applicants and successful immigrants to Hong Kong for permanent residency.

Hong Kong immigration was never so simpler. Many consider this scheme as a hurdle to enter Hong Kong, but as professionals and experienced immigrant advisors, we assure you that this is not a roadblock. Rather QMAS is an opportunity for talented people to permanently settle down in Hong Kong.

Requirements for QMAS are as follows:

Age: 18-50 years

Financial requirement: The applicant must not be dependent on anybody else must be self sufficient to support himself and his family

Good moral character

Should be proficient in Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese) or English;
Basic educational qualifications

Nationality: Nationals of Afghanistan, Cambodia, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, Nepal and Vietnam may not apply under QMAS.

As an Indian applicant, you have an obvious edge over the others. Indians have generally strong educational background and are dedicated in their working. The applicants are given points based on their achievements in personal and professional lives. Recently, their criteria were liberalized. Applicants were given points for knowledge of languages besides Chinese and English. The age limit was also relaxed. Due to overwhelming response for the program, the government has constantly tried to assure that guidelines should be followed and there cannot be any issues or discrepancies in the selection process. As your agents, we could help you to get desired marks for permanent residency and help you in achievement of your goals.


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